Organization Tools

I once heard that for every minute you invest now in planning, you will save 10 minutes down the road! Personally and professionally, I have found this to be true. When I was a classroom teacher, having well planned lessons was key to a well run classroom and a smooth day. Whenever I got a little slack in my planning, I certainly paid for it with anxiety, frustration, chaos and a few additional grey hairs! The same is true for my home organization, as well. Planning ahead eases stress, helps with time management, and saves money.


I think we all want a little help with that, right? I know I sure do!


In an effort to save you a little more time and stress, I am sharing with you several of my personal home organization and time management resources. Essentially, you’re getting my toolbox. I hope these resources serve you well.

Goal Sheet It is said that dreams without goals are just hallucinations! (YIKES!) This goal sheet will help to ensure that your dreams become reality. Use one Goal Sheet for each goal area of your life (ie. fitness, eating, family, etc.). Be sure to list out the specific actions that you are going to take to reach your goals. You can use this lively template for annual, monthly or weekly goal setting.

Weekly Planner: The best way to accomplish your weekly goals is to sit down every Saturday or Sunday evening to plan and set goals for the upcoming week. This fun & vibrant template will help you to map out your tasks for the week.

Daily Planner: Once I know what I need to accomplish for the week, I break down each day even further. This helps me to keep track of all the small details like phone calls to make, emails to send, errands to run, etc. I try to complete my Daily Planner the night before and then add to it as things come up during the day. And of course, there’s lots of color to keep some fun in the day.

Weekly Menu Planner: I LOVE my weekly menu planner! No more scrambling each day to figure out what I am going to fix for dinner. By using a menu planner, not only have I reduced my daily stress, but I have also saved on my grocery bill by planning my meals in advance. This template will help you too!

Grocery List Planner: To accompany my Menu Planner, I created a grocery list worksheet. I organized the sheet according to food categories and sections in my grocery store. This has made shopping fast and easy!

Project Planner: No good toolkit would be complete without a Project Planner! This is great for all of your big and small home and professional projects. I especially love using it when I’m planning an event or planning to redecorate an area of my home. This worksheet will keep you organized and on track!


As an added bonus, I am including a link to a very powerful declaration of God’s Truth For YOU!

After you’ve given them a try, I’d love to know how they work for you. And if there are other organization tools that you’d like to see, just drop me a line!